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Langold Dyscarr Community School

“A Chance to Shine' and 'Dare to Bee Different”

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  • Newsletter January 2017 - week 19

    Fri 27 Jan 2017
  • Good behaviour management always stems from secure and positive relationships.

    Fri 27 Jan 2017

    Good behaviour management always stems from secure and positive relationships.

    …so says the first line of our new behaviour policy. This policy is the foundation of all we seek to achieve and as such has received an extensive and thorough review. The policy is now available on the website to read but I thought I’d pull out some key bits here for everyone.

    The school’s Golden Values are the bedrock of the policy and everything is geared towards helping our children live by them. Rewards and sanctions are employed to support this. The rewards include lollipop sticks, Golden Time, Marvellous Me, Special Mentions assembly and Always certificates. Sanctions include being given towers.

    Children have the opportunity to collect lollipop sticks in class for good behaviour. These can be exchanged for prizes for themselves or added to the class pot for a bigger joint prize! Always certificates will be awarded every half-term for those children who have received no towers in that half-term. To be an Always child also includes such things as completing homework and reading, as well as wearing proper school uniform so the children really need your support in this too. If you haven’t yet signed up to Marvellous Me, please do as it’s a great opportunity to receive praise for your child for the positive things they do in school.

    Towers of five multi-link cubes are given to individuals as a result of poorer behaviour. The giving of the tower is the warning and opportunity to reflect on and improve their behaviour. If poor behaviour continues then cubes start to be removed. Each cube means a loss of five minutes from that week’s Golden Time, as represented on the weather charts in the classrooms (Early Years children just have the weather charts but it’s the same system). Further cube loss will mean having to work in another class or elsewhere for a period of time. If a child loses all of their Golden Time in a week, a meeting with parents/carers will be requested to look at how we can improve the situation.

    I appreciate that this is a lot of information but managing behaviour is a complex thing and it’s impossible to cover every eventuality in such a document. We have sought to keep the policy as simple as possible. We really appreciate the support we are given in this matter and if you do have any questions, please feel free to speak to a member of staff.

    Mr Andy Pullin


  • Year 1 - Investigating Pollution

    Fri 27 Jan 2017
  • Year 6A - Gypsy Splendour

    Fri 27 Jan 2017

    Year 6A - Gypsy Splendour

    YEAR 6A’s very own Gypsy Splendours

    After spending weeks learning about Laura Knight, the time came for year 6 to get building. To link with our “Take One Picture” campaign, the children researched traditional Romany Gypsy horse - drawn carts and the end result was incredible. During the process, the children measured, used saws, made axis and chassis.




  • Year 3 - Art and DT Project

    Fri 27 Jan 2017
  • F2 - Chinese New Year - Year of the Rooster

    Fri 27 Jan 2017
  • F1 - Chinese New Year!

    Fri 27 Jan 2017

    F1 - Chinese New Year!

    This week, we have been learning about the Chinese New Year, finding out about what happens when it is this time of year and the traditions that follow in China. In Merida, our chatterbox, there were lots of different clues to help us work out what we could be learning about. There was some traditional Chinese clothing that Sophie tried on, a rice bowl, some chopsticks and lots of food. Halle saw the egg fried rice and knew the food was Chinese. We got to eat lots of it and our friends were really adventurous, especially Theo and Jack who both loved it! On Friday we are making rooster biscuits because it’s the Year of the Rooster. They will only be shaped like a rooster, but the taste will be delicious, so don’t worry!

    In numeracy we have been looking at numbers on a number a line and Miss Frisby and Mrs Fenton hung their clean (!) socks on the line and we had to count them and find the number to match. We have also used Numicon in our maths in another fun way. One of our friends had a Numicon shape taped onto their back and their friends on the carpet had to count the circles (some of our friends could recognise the shape without even counting!) When our friend turned around they looked at their friends on the carpet, who were holding the correct amount of fingers in the air, and they had to say the number and then check the shape to see if it was right! We have some clever children in F1!

    Phonics is amazing and the children in Miss Frisby and Mrs P’s group are working on a new sound each week and they are applying it in their Tree-mendous Tuesday books and in their independent writing. Avah-Mae and Evie labelled the food on the plate with the initial sounds all by themselves! They even got to splat a sound with a fly splatter which is huge fun and stir the alphabet soup and pick out a sound, say it and match it on Miss Frisby’s board. Mrs Fenton’s group concentrated on voice sounds as well as recognising and writing their name.

    What a busy week but that’s F1 for you!




  • Year 2 - Working on Conjunctions

    Fri 27 Jan 2017
  • Year 5 - Horror Novelists in the Making?

    Fri 27 Jan 2017
  • Year 6 - Outstanding Piece of Work, Grace!

    Fri 27 Jan 2017