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Langold Dyscarr Community School

“A Chance to Shine' and 'Dare to Bee Different”

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Tree Bees

Welcome to Tree Bee Class


I look forward to welcoming everyone after a fun Summer 1 half-term to what will be another amazing Summer 2 half-term.  A few things to look forward to this half-term are our 'My Game/Your Game' event and our trip to the National Coalmining Museum as part of Local History Week.


During the Summer term, our PE days will remain Tuesday and Thursday.  School uniform is to be worn every day and PE kits (including layers for outside and training shoes) are to brought into school on a Monday for children to change into on the days they have PE.  PE kits will be sent home  at the end of each half term.


To keep up to date with all the great things that we have been doing, please remember to check Dojo and Twitter.


Mrs Thompson

Summer 2 Timetable
