Black Bees
Welcome to Black Bee Class!
Miss Curry, Mrs Tomlinson and Mrs Silk
welcome you to Y6!
Our school day starts at 8.40 with lessons up until break at 10.15 until 10.30 and Lunch at 11.45.
Lessons start again at 12.30pm and the school day ends at 3.10pm.
Our daily expectations:
- Reading diary in school EVERY DAY with evidence of reading EVERY DAY.
- Homework selected from Takeaway menu and handed in EVERY WEDNESDAY - on time!
- Times tables and KIRFs practised every day and daily test.
- Spellings practised every week ready for tests on FRIDAY.
- Full uniform worn everyday and correct PE kit worn on PE days (WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY).
Our Weekly Timetable
Welcome to Y6, your very last year here at Langold Dyscarr!
This term The Victorian Era will be our history focus, looking in particular at who Queen Victoria was and what her life was like as well as what life was like for children during this time. We will look at jobs children could do and how children were treated.
In Art, we will look at William Morris, Lowry and Van Gogh culminating in a painting of an industrial scene.
In Science, we will focus on forces in motion , then look at light and how it travels including how we see. We will then move onto electricity including how it was discovered.