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Langold Dyscarr Community School

“A Chance to Shine' and 'Dare to Bee Different”

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Tree Bees

Year 4 Summer Term Art Project

Tree Bee class studied the artists Thomas Gainsborough, Roy Lichtenstein and Maurizio Anzeri as well as looking at Greek philosophers statues and Ghimbetka cave paintings to make a mixed-media photograph of self and soap sculptures.

Year 4 Spring Term Art Project

Tree Bee class studied the artists Kate Fortin, Nick Rowland,  Jackson Pollock and Andy Warhol, creating a mixed-media volcano with printed frame.

Year 4 Autumn Term Art Project

Tree Bee class studied the artists Henri Matisse and Gillian Ayres as well ancient art such as the Mayan Chac Mool and Tzolk'in Calendar this term creating a Mayan mural blocks.
