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Langold Dyscarr Community School

“A Chance to Shine' and 'Dare to Bee Different”

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Week 5 31.01.22

RIC - Complete one a day

ARITHMETIC PRACTISE - complete 5 questions a day

WCR - work through one WOTD and activity per day.


More lessons about World War 2 including a research project of key events and a study of The Holocaust.


Tuesday - Research one of the key events given in the PowerPoint and create a fact file (use Purple Mash with rest of class if accessing online learning).

Wednesday - Work through The Holocaust PowerPoint and complete the thought bubble activity. Can you create a fact file for The Holocaust including who what where when and why?

Thursday - Can you use this PowerPoint about Kinder transport to add more to your fact file and complete the reading comprehension?

Friday - Watch the video link provided for the Newsround holocaust special report (PARENT PERMISSION REQUIRED) and complete activity. Choose some activities from the FENCES mat.
