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Langold Dyscarr Community School

“A Chance to Shine' and 'Dare to Bee Different”

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Long Horned Bees

Welcome to Year 2/3 Long Horned Bees


Welcome back!


This term we are going to be looking into the fascinating life of Boudica! We will step back in time and look into a queen of the ancient British Iceni tribe, who led a failed uprising against the conquering forces of the Roman Empire in AD 60 or 61. 


For the autumn term our P.E days will be Tuesdays and Wednesdays and pupils are requested to bring their PE kits into school and change in the classroom.   


We have a couple of exciting this happening this term, these include a Diwali day and a harvest festival performance 


Many thanks  

Miss Haigh, Miss Shaw and Mrs Rogan 

Autumn Timetable

Welcome to Year 2 


Autumn Term 1

We look forward to welcoming everyone after the lovely Summer break. 


Our PE day are Wednesday and Friday;  school uniform is to be worn every day and PE kits brought into school on a Monday for children to change into on the days they have PE.  PE kits will be sent home at the end of each half term.


To keep up to date with all the great things that we have been doing, please remember to check Dojo and Twitter.


Mrs Neal, Mrs Tomlinson and Mrs Green

Welcome to Long Horn Bees

We are working hard towards our Christmas Nativity - The Innspectors. The children are learning their lines and all the songs. We can't wait to show you all our hard work on Wednesday 13th December.


Morning Performance  - 9.30 am

Afternoon Performance  - 2pm 


Just a reminder that our PE days are Wednesday and Friday. Please remember to have you PE kit in school.


Remember to keep up to date with all of our amazing learning please remember to check dojo and twitter.


Mrs Neal, Mrs Tomlinson and Mrs Green

Autumn Term Timetable

Autumn Term Homework Menu


Welcome to Year 2


We are looking forward to welcoming everyone to Year 2 after a lovely summer break. .  From September, the school gates will be open at 8:30am, children can enter from 8:35am and lessons being at 8:40am.  Our finish time remains 3:10pm.


Our PE day are Wednesday and Friday; school uniform is to be worn every day and PE kits brought into school on a Monday for children to change into on the days they have PE.  PE kits will be sent home  at the end of each half term.


Please remember to check Dojo and Twitter to see all the fun things we have be doing this term.


Mrs Neal, Mrs Chapman and Mrs Green

This term's timetable

This term's topic is chocolate.

Autumn Term 2 Information and Homework

This term's KIRF - Key Instant Recall Facts

Autumn Term 2 Class Timetable

Transition Information for Y2 2021

Autumn 2 Newsletter

Year 1 and 2

The Bear and the Hare


Welcome Back

We hope you’ve had a lovely half term and are ready for the busy but exciting term ahead! This newsletter will inform you of any changes to our KS1 routine and give you an idea of what your child will be learning this half term.

If you ever have any questions or queries, please do get in touch. You can contact us via Dojo message, or please feel free to call the office and we will give you a ring back as soon as we get chance.


Our new topic this half term is ‘The Bear and the Hare’


In English this half term we will be looking at the famous John Lewis advert ‘The Bear and the Hare’ and this will be the inspiration for our writing. We will be writing a mixture of posters, letters and stories over the term. We will be learning how to use speech bubbles, and then extending this to using speech marks in our writing. Each class will look at a ‘Word of the Day’ everyday which will help develop the children’s vocabulary.

This half term we will continue to learn our phonics and will also continue with our Whole Class Reading. The books this half term will be ‘The Killer Cat’ for Year 1/2 and ‘The Tunnel’ for Year 2. We will also be taking part in weekly Guided Reading sessions in small groups.

The focus in Maths this half term is addition and subtraction with Year 1 also exploring shape and Year 2 learning about money. They will learn strategies to solve problems involving these and continue to develop the mathematical skills and language.

In Art, we will be creating winter scenes using a range of different painting techniques and will be experimenting with the skill of stippling. We will also be doing plenty of Christmas crafts, which will be sent home at the end of term.

In Music we will continue to sing, explore beat and rhythm and prepare group performances within our class groups.

In Science, we will continue with our topic ‘Animals Including Humans’. We will explore the human body, learning the correct names for each part. We will study a variety of animals; looking at their bodies, diet and how they survive in the wild.

In RE we will be looking at the many festivals celebrated within different religions such as Judaism, Sikhism and Christianity.

In PE we will be taking part in gymnastics. Children will explore different ways of travelling around the room. They will learn and practise a range of balances, as well as understanding the importance of stretching. We will also continue to do Street dance with Miss Courtney on a Friday. 


Tuck shop has unfortunately had to discontinue. Please feel free to send your child with a healthy snack for playtime. We will continue to provide fruit.

Homework will continue to be daily reading, weekly spellings and the homework menu tasks given in your child’s homework book.

PE days this half term remain the same – Wednesdays and Fridays. Please remember to send your child dressed in their P.E. kits on these days. Due to the current circumstances, we will be completing as many P.E. lessons as possible outside; therefore, we ask that you send children in warm clothes on these days.

Thank you for your support,

KS1 Team


Key Instant Recall Facts

Year 2 – Autumn 1

I know number bonds to 20.

By the end of this half term, children should know the following facts. The aim is for them to recall these facts instantly.


Key Vocabulary

What do I add to 5 to make 20? What is 20 take away 6?

What is 3 less than 20?

How many more than 16 is 20?





0 + 20 = 20

1 + 19 = 20

2 + 18 = 20

3 + 17 = 20

4 + 16 = 20

5 + 15 = 20

6 + 14 = 20

7 + 13 = 20

8 + 12 = 20

9 + 11 = 20

10 + 10 = 20

20 + 0 = 20

19 + 1 = 20

18 + 2 = 20

17 + 3 = 20

16 + 4 = 20

15 + 5 = 20

14 + 6 = 20

13 + 7 = 20

12 + 8 = 20

11 + 9 = 20

20 – 0 = 20

20 – 1 = 19

20 – 2 = 18

20 – 3 = 17

20 – 4 = 16

20 – 5 = 15

20 – 6 = 14

20 – 7 = 13

20 – 8 = 12

20 – 9 = 11

20 – 10 = 10

20 – 20 = 0

20 – 19 = 1

20 – 18 = 2

20 – 17 = 3

20 – 16 = 4

20 – 15 = 5

20 – 14 = 6

20 – 13 = 7

20 – 12 = 8

20 – 11 = 9





They should be able to answer these questions in any order, including missing number questions e.g. 19 + ⃝ = 20 or 20 – ⃝ = 8.





Top Tips


The secret to success is practising little and often. Use time wisely. Can you practise these KIRFs while walking to school or during a car journey? You don’t need to practise them all at once: perhaps you could have a fact of the day. If you would like more ideas, please speak to your child’s teacher.


Use what you already know – Use number bonds to 10 (e.g. 7 + 3 = 10) to work out related number bonds to 20 (e.g. 17 + 3 = 20).


Use practical resources – Make collections of 20 objects. Ask questions such as, “How many more conkers would I need to make 20?”


Make a poster – We use Numicon at school. You can find pictures of the Numicon shapes online – your child could make a poster showing the different ways of making 20.


Play games – You can play number bond pairs online at and then see how many questions you can answer in just one minute.










Year 2


Langold Dyscarr

Class Dojo

Parent’s Guide

At Langold Dyscarr Community School, we believe that effective communication between home and school is essential to supporting children in their learning.

As a result, we use Class Dojo in every class to celebrate the success the children have and the sensible choices the children make.

What is Class Dojo?

  • Class Dojo is an app which allows you to be connected to the school community and it can be accessed on a range of media (smartphone, tablet or computer)


  • You will be able to be engaged in your children’s learning by following how many dojo points they receive as well as seeing class and whole school messages.


  • You will receive an email invite or a letter containing a code to be able to set up your own parent account.


  • If you already have an account, this will continue, your child will just move into their new classroom page and any siblings, new to school can be added to this account.


  • Parents/carers can communicate with staff in school via School story (all parents/carers in school), Class story (parents/carers of specific class) and Messages (private/1-1).


  • Only school staff can allocate dojo points.


  • Children will have their own Class Dojo avatar, which will be allocated, into their specific classroom.


  • Children can have their own portfolio, which allows them to change their avatar, access allocated activities and upload work. This is set up through your parent account.


  • The aim is that a Class Dojo account for a new pupil and parents/carers will be set up in Foundation stage and these accounts will then become part of the school directory until Y6.

What you can expect from us?

  • The class teacher will navigate each Class Dojo page and will use the Class Story page for sharing learning, photos, videos and messages with you.


  • In class, your child will regularly receive dojo points as a reward for various reasons.


  • Teachers may communicate with you on a 1:1 messaging service or via the Class Story where general class messages can be shared.


  • Whole school messages will be shared on the School story, which can be seen by all parents/carers in school.

If you have any questions, queries or concerns:

If it is related to a post on the School or Class Story, feel free to comment underneath the post. Remember school staff as well as other parents will see these comments.


Otherwise, feel free to message your child’s teacher on Class Dojo. Remember this messaging service is NOT designed to replace a face-to-face discussion and is only for simple, questions, queries or concerns.


In order to maintain the well-being of our staff, we ask that you bear in mind that though teachers can be messaged by you at any time, they are advised not to respond back to the messages during the ‘quiet hours’, on weekends or at any other time outside of the stated period.


The agreed quiet hours are between 5.30pm and 7.30am. Mondays to Thursdays and from 3.30 p.m. Friday throughout the weekend.


All parents are politely reminded that you are given access to the Class Dojo system at the discretion of school and we have a zero tolerance policy in terms of abuse of this service.


If Class Dojo is used inappropriately, for example being abusive or rude to staff, your account will be terminated immediately and you will be invited into school to discuss the matter further.


Remember if you have an urgent or more complex concern or query; please do follow the channels of communications that you would have done previously, i.e. phone, email or visit school office/head teacher.





Autumn Term 1 Newsletter.

Year 1 and 2.

Welcome Back,

We hope that you have had a great Summer break and are looking forward to the Autumn Term. Hopefully, this newsletter will inform/remind you of class routines within KS1 and give you an insight into what your child will be doing this half term, so when you ask them what they’ve been doing in school today, you know what ‘nothing much’ or ‘I can’t remember’ really means.


If you have any questions or queries, please message on DOJO


This week we will be starting our topic called ‘Into the Jungle’.


The children will be developing their English and maths skills by engaging in a number of projects related to their topic work. These will include writing a story, reports, poetry and recounts. In maths, the children will learn how to solve a range of problems involving number, shape, space and measure.


In geography the children will learn about the world in which we live and where jungles are located on a world map. They will learn about the animals that live in jungles and what the weather is like in jungles.

In art the children will be focussing on the painting by Henri Rouseau  -Tiger in a Tropical Storm. They will then be creating their own painting based on this famous painting.

In science, the children will be learning about animals including humans. They will be learning about the different types of animals and animal life cycles. We will also look at what humans need to keep us healthy.

In PE, the children will be working with Mrs Footitt and Miss Courtney to develop their balance, throwing and catching skills, as well as learning dances related to their topic work.

Tuck Shop

Tuck Shop is available every day. At the moment just toast.  It is 20p a day or £1 a week, money to be brought on Monday for the week in a named envelope. The kitchen staff will deliver the tuck shop for the children to their class before morning break.


Your child will bring home a reading book, spelling sheet and home-school diary every night. Please could you listen to them read and help them to practise their spellings on a daily basis. This will then need to be recorded in their home school diary and brought into school every day. They will also bring home a homework challenge at the beginning of each term. Please choose a task to complete weekly and record it in their homework book.



PE days are Wednesday and Friday.


During Covid 19 we are asking all children to come to school in their PE kits on Wednesday and Friday. Your child should wear jogging bottoms and a sweatshirt with a t-shirt underneath in case they get hot. They will also need to wear plimsolls or trainers. If you would like your child to change into their school shoes, please send them in a named bag.  NO JEWELLERY PLEASE.




Your child will now be bringing home 2 books in their reading bag. One story is for parents and carers to read to their child and the other is for your child to read to you. The reading books are now matched to your child’s current phonic phase. This means that they will be able to read on sight or sound out all of the words in the books. Children will work on phonic phases until they are reading at an age related level which is usually as they enter Year 2 (level 16 reader) then they continue working on levels until they enter Key Stage 2.


If you have any questions or queries, please message the class teacher on DOJO

Thank you for your support.

KS1 Class Teachers





Home Learning - W/C 20.7.2020


This is the last home learning pack of the school year. For spellings, see if you can test your child on some of the spellings they've been learning over the last few weeks. If they are still struggling to remember some then help them practise those a little more. :) 


The last paper packs of activities/work will be made available to collect from the office this week. 

Home Learning - W/C 13.7.2020


This week there are plenty of activities to keep you busy on the document below and this week's spellings.


The last paper packs of activities/work will be made available to collect from School at the end of this week, I will post a message on Dojo when ready. 

Home Learning - W/C 6.7.2020


This week there are plenty of activities to keep you busy on the document below and this week's spellings.


Paper packs of activities/work were made available to collect from School on Friday 3rd as per Dojo message.They will be available every two weeks until the end of the school year in addition to this home learning menu and spellings. 

Home Learning - W/C 29.6.2020


This week there are plenty of activities to keep you busy on the document below and this week's spellings.

Home Learning - W/C 22.6.2020


This week there are plenty of activities to keep you busy on the document below and this week's spellings.


Paper packs of activities/work were made available to collect from School on Friday 19th as per Dojo message. Please let Mrs Rhodes know if you would like one. They will be available every two weeks until the end of the school year in addition to this home learning menu and spellings. 

Home Learning - W/C 15.6.2020


This week there are plenty of activities to keep you busy on the document below and this week's spellings. 

Home Learning - W/C 8.6.2020

This week is also MY MONEY WEEK so there are some money activities below that you can have a go at too. :) 

This week there are plenty of activities to keep you busy on the document below and this week's spellings. 


Home Learning - W/C 1.6.2020


This week there are plenty of activities to keep you busy on the document below

This week's spellings are also below.

Home Learning - W/C 18.5.2020


This week there are plenty of activities to keep you busy on the document below

This week's spellings are also below.

Home Learning - W/C 11.5.2020


This week there are plenty of activities to keep you busy on the document below

This week's spellings are also below.

Home Learning - W/C 4.5.2020


This week there are plenty of activities to keep you busy on the document below

This week's spellings are also below.

Home Learning - W/C 27.4.2020


This week there are plenty of activities to keep you busy on the document below

This week's spellings are also below. 


I'll still continue to post on Dojo and please keep sending me pictures of all the amazing things you're doing! 


Don't forget the Useful Websites above if you want any extra activities to do. 

Extra Learning

The Department for Education has released new online phonics learning which is due to start on Youtube next week on Monday 27th. This document has all the information you need about it.
Although it states Reception and Year 1 I really think it will benefit any children that are currently reading below a level 22 book from school.

Home Learning - W/C 20.4.2020

This week there are plenty of activities to keep you busy on the document below

This week's spellings are also below. 


I'll still continue to post on Dojo and please keep sending me pictures of all the amazing things you're doing! 


Don't forget the Useful Websites above if you want any extra activities to do. 

Home Learning - W/C 30.3.2020

This week you can continue with the activities given to you in the pack or you could try some of the activities on the word document below. If you right click the blue words and click 'open hyperlink' it should open the website/activity to work on.


I'll still continue to post on Dojo and please keep sending me pictures of all the amazing things you're doing! yes


Don't forget the Useful Websites above if you want any extra activities to do. laugh


This week's spellings...

Home Learning - W/C 23.3.2020

During the week, can you complete one Maths, English and other activity each day from the packs that were sent home? Always try to do some exercise and reading every day if you can. smiley


Each day on Dojo this week, I will post some 'Maths of the day' problems, set you a 'Rainbow challenge' and share all the wonderful pictures you have sent me of your work and activities. 


You will find some useful websites at the top of this page if you would like some extra bits to do and I will share any recommended websites and special online events on Dojo also. 


Below is this week's spellings. Please help your child practice them as normal and then test them next week. 


Stay safe everyone! heart

Spring 1 Homework

Autumn 2 Homework 
