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Langold Dyscarr Community School

“A Chance to Shine' and 'Dare to Bee Different”

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School Council

Our School Council



Our School Councillors 2022-2023

At the start of the school year, children throughout the school had the opportunity to create a manifesto to persuade their class that they should be voted for and chosen to be our School Councillors. Everyone did a great job but we could only choose two from each class. Here are our elected School Councillors for this year...

We aim to meet every 2-3 weeks for 15mins during Friday’s Integrity assembly. Here are some of the things we've done so far this year...

  • Initial meeting to go through last year’s achievements and discuss coming year, adapting action plan etc.
  • Helped to promote Cycle to School Week by encouraging peers to cycle and celebrating them when they did.
  • Met to arrange and create ‘Positive play vouchers’ to give out in Anti-bullying week to encourage positive play. Organised a treat for the children who received these.
  • Collected ideas for school animal names for Chickens and Guinea pigs.
  • Beginning to create buddy bench posters and brainstorming ideas for a signal.
  • Creating signs for the school animals.
  • School Council suggestions from peers looked at regularly.


Our School Councillors 2021-2022

At the start of the school year, children throughout the school had the opportunity to create a manifesto to persuade their class that they should be voted for and chosen to be our School Councillors. They did a fantastic job and it was a tough decision but here are the elected School Council 2021-2022...

Some of our School Governors met our newly elected School Council and presented their School Council badges to wear proudly this year. smiley

For Anti-Bullying week, School Council ran a poster competition to raise awareness for Anti-Bullying within our school. School Council will be meeting soon to choose the winners from each class so watch this space!

School Council also wrote and performed a small act about Anti-Bullying to each class. They performed different scenarios and the children in the class had to decide which was the correct thing to do. Every class got them all right and the School Councillors did an amazing job.

At the start of the school year, children throughout the school had the opportunity to create a manifesto to persuade their class that they should be voted for and chosen to be our School Councillors. They did a fantastic job and it was a tough decision but here are the elected School Council 2019-2020...

Our School Councillors 2019-2020

School Council Agenda

We have lots of items on our School Council agenda which change regularly and we discuss in our meetings fortnightly. We complete a School Council book and each class also has a book that they take back to their class to record more ideas or activities from the rest of the pupils. 

Here are some of the items we have completed already this year...

  • Y6 School Councillors were very lucky to be invited to Nottingham County Hall recently. We were transported there, had lunch and a had tour of the building. We met other local school Councillors and enjoyed spending time in the Council Chambers with the Chairman of Council and asking lots of questions. We had a really great day and our Y6s will be telling the school all about it in an assembly very soon. 
  • We were invited to the amazing Bassetlaw Food Bank to see how things ran there and what we can do to help. Mrs Fotheringham took Y4 and Y5 School Councillors and they thoroughly enjoyed their visit, so much so that Langold is now officially a drop off point for BFB which is an absolute honour. smiley
  • We asked our classes for any volunteers to be trained up as child First Aiders. There were so many children who wanted to do this that the School Councillors had to think carefully and only pick 2 from each class. 
  • We heart our planet so School Council helped ease the transition for our daily milk deliveries. We went from cartons and straws to recyclable plastic bottles which are poured into cups. 

Class Names

As we promote our Bee Values at Langold, the School Council asked their classes to help us choose bee names for all the classes. They had the final vote and these were decided:


F1 - Bumble Bee Class

F2 - Honey Bee Class

Y1 - Mason Bee Class

Y1/2 - Mining Bee Class

Y2 - Long-horned Bee Class

Y3 - Orchid Bee Class

Y4 - Tree Bee Class

Y5 - Digger Bee Class

Y6 - Black tailed Bee Class
