Zak's Parkrun
Hello Mrs Neal and Mrs Hall,
We would like to let you know how Zak’s run went. He did absolutely fantastic. He was really excited to run and couldn’t wait to start the race. Even though he only practiced once (about 1km around the village) Zak would not stop. Unfortunately, he had to stop because of his daddy, who suffered problems with his knee. If it wasn’t for his daddy’s knee he would have run the whole 5km without stopping. He was helping his daddy going through his bad time saying:
“Daddy, we cannot stop. Whatever happens we have to reach the finish line. All those people sponsored me and I cannot let them down. Come on daddy, don’t give up!”
With his determination he most definitely helped his daddy finish it. And he was so much faster than him! After the race Zak was buzzing so much he said:” I could do another lap!” His daddy could not say the same thing!
Straight after the race he got a large Easter egg as a reward and lots of cheering. He and his daddy were 226 and 227 out of 249 runners and Zak finished 10th out of 11 children age under 10 ( but the rest of the children had at least 3 runs and 2 of them ran 17 times!). The overall time for Zak was 36.49 minutes. The main thing was that Zak really enjoyed his run and was proud of himself, even though he was very modest about it and did not boast once.
We would like to thank Mrs Neal for your kind donation - we have found the pennies and added it to his charity fund. We would also like to thank the lady at Dyscarr reception (one of the Park run’s marshals) for a very generous donation. They both helped to raise whooping £200.59 (Zak’s target was £100).
The English radio station in Spain dedicated the show to Zak and they did mention him a few times wishing him best of luck.
Thank you again for all your support
Kind regards
Zak’s Mummy and Daddy
Wow, Zak, you showed real LDCS
resilience and determination!
We are very proud of YOU!