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Langold Dyscarr Community School

“A Chance to Shine' and 'Dare to Bee Different”

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Year3/4A Assembly - Setting Ourselves Challenges!

Year 3/4A Assembly— Setting Ourselves Challenges!

During their assembly Year 3/4A shared with us the challenges that they have set themselves as Team Starlets:

1. To learn the song Reach for the Stars

2. Raise money for Red Nose Day by bouncing on the trampette—20p a go

3. Fill the KS2 corridor with Achievement Stars                                                                               

Year 3/4a are well on their way to achieving all of their challenges; Poppy sang a beautiful solo introduction to the song - she was very brave to do this by herself! For Red Nose Day the class raised £4.40. As for the Achievement Stars, the corridor is filling up daily, why not come and read about some of the fantastic things our pupils are achieving?

Year 3/4A also shared some of their work with us about the Stone Age as well as giving us a brilliant display of their karate and gymnastics skills. Well done Year 3/4A, we really enjoyed your assembly!

