Year 6A - What a Week for Year 6A!
Year 6A - What a Week for Year 6A!
Since our last update, 6A have had a week of celebrations. It started last Wednesday with a class lunch cooked by Codey and Mrs Rogan. It was lovely to have all the children and several staff eat lunch together and celebrate.
Tuesday 7th of February, we celebrated Safer Internet Day. I think we’ll all agree that the internet is an amazing piece of technology, but it’s vital that ALL children know how to use it safely. We looked at the “bigger picture” and things not always being what they seem. We also investigated the meaning behind emojis.
On Wednesday, 6A celebrated their amazing work, which they have consistently been producing, by sharing it in their assembly with the rest of the school and parents and carers. I would like to take this opportunity to express how proud I am of the class and how sensible they have become with regards to their own learning.
They showed their “Laura Warhol” pictures and caravans, read stories and biographies and took part in gypsy dancing.
Well done, Year 6A! We were all impressed with your assembly and the quality of your work, and dancing!