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Langold Dyscarr Community School

“A Chance to Shine' and 'Dare to Bee Different”

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Year 6/6A - The World is My Oyster

Year 6/6A - The World is My Oyster

We are into our final stage of Year 6 and the children are beginning to reflect upon their experiences and their fond memories of Langold Dyscarr Community School.

As teachers, we could not be prouder of our children, they have upheld the Golden Values that are at the core of our Community School and have represented their school with pride.

The Year 6 children are about to begin the next stage of their 'journey'.

Alec M summed this up beautifully, when he wrote in his poem "The world is my oyster".

We are so proud of you all!


A new school brings:-

New year,

New friends,

New teachers,

New experiences,

New stuff to learn,

New uniform,

New books,

New challenges,

New mountains to climb,

New pen, pencils,

New tasks,

New possibilities...The world is my oyster

By Alec M

Year 6



