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Langold Dyscarr Community School

“A Chance to Shine' and 'Dare to Bee Different”

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Year 5 - Unusual Sightings in Langold!

Year 5 - Unusual Sightings in Langold!
Year 5 have been  writing reports about unusual sightings that they have seen over Dyscarr Wood. Kian Bennett has written a fantastic report explaining this. Here is an extract, what do you think to it?

Many sightings have been reported of unusual activity in Langold, Nottinghamshire. The first sighting was brought to the attention of the police at 9.30 am, last night. Three school children described the sighting as 'frightening! On Monday morning at 10.30 am at  Dyscarr Woods, there was a big flash of lights' explained Lucy, aged 9.
Police are investigating what the big flash could be. An eye witness reported whilst walking his dog ' A green, slimy figure appeared and I was scared'. Police say stay inside until it is safe.

Well done, Kian!

A group of children from years 1, 2 and 3 have begun to participate in a karate lunchtime club. They are learning new skills with Sensei Tony and Sensei Julie from Hidden Dragon. Some children have achieved tags after only 2 weeks of    training! Well done and keep it up!



