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Langold Dyscarr Community School

“A Chance to Shine' and 'Dare to Bee Different”

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Year 1– Alliteration and Tongue Twisters

Year 1– Alliteration and Tongue Twisters

This week, we have been looking at alliteration and tongue twister poems. We have been using the initial sounds of words to help us identify which words would help complete alliteration sentences, then we had a go at writing our own. I am so impressed with how quickly Year 1 have got to grips with this; some of the sentences they have created are amazing. Here is an example:


One orange octopus.

Two talking turtles.

Three terrible tigers.

Four frightening foxes.

Five fun ferrets.

Six smiley socks.

Seven snakes and seashells.

Eight excellent Elliotts.

Nine nanna's nightmares.

Ten tangerines.                           Alicia Mills, Year 1

