Welcome Back!
Welcome back!
I hope you’ve had a great summer and been able to spend quality time with your families whether at home or on holiday. If you’re new to our school community, you are very welcome. We look forward to getting to know you better over the weeks and months ahead. Starting a new school, new year group or even moving into a new area can always be a bit of a nervy experience so if you have any questions at all, please do speak to a member of staff. We want you to feel as at home as possible, as soon as possible.
I would also like to welcome the new staff who have started with us this year. They are settling in to the Langold team really well. As a reminder, we have:
Mrs Reynolds: school business manager
Mrs Emery: Y6A
Mr Hays: Y4
Miss Wilson: Y1
Ms Ahmed: F2/Reception
This year will bring lots of exciting new experiences. In the first day assembly, I talked about ‘doors of opportunity’ that we can either walk through or not (I also talked about trying to get cats through cat flaps that they didn’t want to go through but you had to be there!). How good this year will be will depend on how willing we are to make the most of the positive opportunities presented to us – here we go! Mr Pullin