Mathgical Day!
‘Mathgical’ Day Langold Langold school spent a ‘Mathgical’ day looking at maths in the real world and how to apply their learning to different tasks. Year 6 looked at architecture and managed to list 30 jobs that could be created from just one drawing and then they went on to design their own Antarctic Research station for 4 people, finishing with crop circle inspired art. Year 5 had loads of fun with the Argos catalogue – they had to fit out their café and then design their menu, they also finished with tessellation art – inspired by the leatherback turtle. Year 4 started by looking at how we have to count syllables in poetry to make it scan and then made their own clocks with string and weights! Year 3 received a very interesting letter asking for help from a community of gnomes and KS1 and explored lots of different problems that used their fantastic maths skills. FSU had lots of fun using their maths skills.
All in all a very ‘Mathgical’ day!