Looking to the Future
Looking to the Future Day - Year 2
Raising aspirations was the key aim for Year 2’s ‘Looking to the future’ day on Monday. Children were given the opportunity to gain skills and expertise in their chosen future careers. We had a class of various professionals: Mr Fearnely, a painter and decorator, showed 4 boys how to paint a wall and how to tile; 6 children made afternoon tea for some staff which included a quiche, potato wedges, scones, cupcakes and sandwiches with help from the PTFA; 6 girls had fun with Lucy Mallaby, a performing arts student from Serlby Park; 2 boys delivered important letters and parcels around school under the watchful, skilled eyes of Mrs Watkinson and Mrs Hewlett; Miss Bradford taught 3 girls how to plan, prepare and deliver a lesson to a group of foundation stage children, they even participated in an assembly. Mrs Fearnley shared her skills and techniques in art with Nicole Mills. We also had a visit from Paul, the AA man, where 4 boys explored how to service a car. 2 girls travelled to Greens Stables with Mrs Huthart to give a helping hand with the horses at the stables. Finally, 4 girls had the opportunity to explore a vet’s practice; they even treated their favourite teddies for various illnesses.
Children also received a goody bag which included equipment that they may use when they achieve their ambitions.
Thank you to all professionals involved for giving up their valuable time, it was greatly appreciated and all children enjoyed the experience! Here is just a small sample of what they thought:
"It was amazing!" - Maya
"I liked Mr Fearnley. I was very happy. I want to be a builder when I grow up!"
"I loved making the cakes. The best bit was when we got to lick the spoon!"