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Langold Dyscarr Community School

“A Chance to Shine' and 'Dare to Bee Different”

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Faith Day

Faith Day

Our ‘Faith Day’, last week, was a great success!

Throughout the school, our children took part in many activities including Year 3,4 and 5 participating in role play with our visitors who taught us about Hinduism.  There were some fantastic actors - Kyle wowed us all! The children were thoroughly engaged in the presentation and their behaviour made us very proud! 

The symbolism of light in different religions was studied in lots of different ways across the school: In Foundation the children looked at the symbolism of candle light and stained glass windows - they then made their own  ‘stained glass window’; other classes looked at Hanukkah in Judaism, Divali in Hinduism and Loi Krathong, the Thai Festival of Light. The symbolism of light was also studied through poetry, ICT and rangoli patterns. Year 6 looked at how faiths overlap and how light binds all the faiths.

