F2 - Toys Old and New
F2 - Toys Old and New
This week we have been looking at toys old and new. We have had a look at some old fashioned toys and found some similarities and differences, we look forward to playing with some of them in Golden Time! Golden Time was brilliant last week, we had a fantastic time trying to dig for dinosaur bones, looking at Where's Wally? books, jigsaws and playing Pop up Pirate! In Writing time this week we have written about our favourite toys. We had to explain why they were our favourite using the word 'because'. Some children have had a fantastic go at writing a 'toy story' using picture prompts from the Talk Boost programme using: Who? Where? When? What happens? How do they feel at the end?
In number time we have been looking at money, trying to recognise the different coins. It has been a great help for us in our Toy Shop Role Play area.
The children at the Mother's Day lunch had a wonderful time! We also had lots of giggles making our Mother's Day cards!! The children were very excited to have a go on the balance bikes and they had a fantastic time and made fantastic progress. Mrs P. was so proud of all the children who took part in Balance Bikes. The children who are already confident with bikes chose to have the dressing up box out as a special treat.
In gymnastics we revisited and practised all the shapes we have done so far. We had to use out listening skills—Emma was very impressed by our listening and performance.
F2 are always ready for any new challenge and always show a thirst and eagerness to learn new skills - We are very proud of all of you!