F2 - So Much Work, So Much Fun!
F2 - So Much Work, So Much Fun!
What a busy week! F2 were so excited about the birth of Princess Charlotte that we thought we would send her a card! I’m sure Will and Kate will proudly display it in their home and save it for Princess Charlotte to read when she is older! F2 also received a letter from the mischievous fairies, who had moved into the dolls’ house, saying that they were going to move into the fairy houses that the children had made for them in the woods, but they said, “We may be back…"
In gymnastics Oliver demonstrated a sequence to the whole group—he was so good that we were all able to follow his lead. Good luck Oliver, in your gymnastics competition—you are amazing!
Welove our ukulele lessons and our skills are improving—we hope to be able to perform for you in the very near future! Our musical skills go even further—in Caterpillar Music we accompanied the Flower Duet, from Lakmé, with our triangles— we experimented with it, trying to make it sound like different kinds of rain—what beautiful music we make!
We are keeping a close eye on the beans and sunflower seeds we are growing—Tyler’s sunflower is looking good—thank you to Tyler’s mum for sending us the photo.
In literacy we have been reading Slug in a Jug and focusing on rhyming words—how many words can you find to rhyme with slug?
In numeracy we have been looking at different shapes and using mathematical language to describe our work and the models we made.
Thank you to the parents who have returned the questionnaire which will help us with our pupil profiles; there is still time to complete and return the questionnaire if you haven’t already done so.