F2 - Skills Galore!
F2 - Skills Galore!
F2 have shown some fantastic skills in so many areas of the curriculum this week…
In gymnastics, they worked on their balance, posture and poise as they tackled the apparatus obstacle course; some parts were quite daunting for some of our children, but all of them faced their fears, and with a little encouragement from Emma and their teachers, they completed the course! They even attempted it sideways on! Miss Hopkinson said that F2 were showing some of the skills that Year6/6A had used at Kingswood - she is so proud of F2’s efforts! Our gymnasts are certainly gaining in confidence and are making very good progress. Emma was delighted with their attempts this week.
In phonics and literacy, some of the children have excelled this week. Sofia produced some beautiful writing, spelling all her words correctly without any help - she blew Mr Pullin’s socks off!!!
In numeracy, George worked out that if you weighed a 10 Numicon on one side of the weighing scales and a 1 Numicon on the other side you could make the scales balance by adding a 9 Numicon to the 1 Numicon. You are definitely making links in your learning George!!! I think we have a mathematician in the making! Weighing, comparing and using mathematical language has been based around the balance scales this week. Why not do some weighing at home with your children and see if they can predict whether something is going to be heavier or lighter or the same weight as something else? Charlie B has been having a splashing time getting to grips with capacity. Learning is so much fun!!!
Throughout the unit the children have been engaged in lots of different activities. Their artistic skills have been on display as they made their fireworks pictures; the pictures brighten up our unit - we have our very own fireworks display on our washing line! The dark Bear’s Cave has proved very popular - using torches the children have been reading stories to each other or acting out role play.
Ms Ahmed and Miss Hopkinson have been assessing the children’s reading this week and they have been impressed with the progress that some of our children are making. Reading or sharing a book with your child every day helps so much, not just with their reading but with their language, understanding, imagination and problem solving. Please share a book with your child and engage in the magic!