F2 - Rainbow Fish
F2 - Rainbow Fish
This week, we have been assessing children on their maths skills. They have to count 1:1 , order numbers to 20 and say 1 more or 1 less. We have also looked at addition and subtraction. We are good at recognising the symbols, but still get a little muddled applying our knowledge, eg for 4—1 = some children put up 4 fingers but instead of bending one down they add another one. Our children are trying very hard to grasp this tricky concept! We will continue to practise to put our fingers back down for takeaways. Maybe you could practise at home too.
Our theme this week is the Rainbow Fish. On the Giraffes’ walkabout we saw lots of changes in the wood! We kept stopping to answer questions on lots of different things to earn Rainbow Fish scales. We talked about what makes us happy; what makes us scared and what we do to make us feel better. What would you do if you saw someone crying? The Giraffes and Zebras had lots of wonderful discussions and the children's kind, caring ideas shone through! We earned lots of beautiful Rainbow Fish scales and used these to decorate our fish and make him beautiful again! Check out our F2 notice board to see some of the lovely things our children have been doing.