F2 - Lots of Hard Work (and fun ) Paying Off!
F2 - Lots of Hard Work (and fun ) Paying Off!
This week, we have been reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar and we acted out the story, wrote sentences about it and thought of a different ending.
Thanks to Lucy Ball's mum for her donation of wallpaper. We have loved writing and drawing on it.
Summer W brought in a bird's nest that we all found fascinating to look at - do you know how the bird builds it? F2 tried to work this out.
This week we have been doing lots of independent writing about our family and friends; we have written some amazing sentences!
We have had lots of readers this week who have read 5 times a week over 4 weeks. Their dedication is paying off and they are moving up the levels! Keep reading. Reading everyday leads to success. Books are brilliant!
We (Giraffes) went to the library to change books and experience a musical extravaganza.
We sang 'Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes', 'Jingle Jangle Scarecrow' and '5 Little Monkeys' We played our instruments and had such fun. Zebras will go to the library on Thursday 25th June—they can’t wait.
In Caterpillar Music we, like F1, toured the world through music. The girls loved the Bollywood dancing accompanied by the boys on the sticks. We were naturals! We were very good at the Mexican hat dance, too!
We have also found time to fit in some play where we have been able to lend each other a hand!
Mrs Parker and the Giraffes were treated to a magical dance performance by Jade and Oliver who transformed into Elsa and Kristof from Frozen—Strictly stars of the future?
Next week the Wildlife Trust are coming in to work with F2 and we will be doing work on mini beasts; I think the Wildlife Trust would be impressed with Tyler’s green fingers—just look at how tall his sunflower has grown!
How much can we fit into next week?