F2 - Den Builders
F2 - Den Builders
We have had a brilliant and busy week in F2! We are learning about lifecycles and have been looking at the lifecycle of a plant. We are growing our own cress seeds.
In number time we have been looking at money and solving problems using coins.
We have had more success with our gymnasts! Well done to Olivia, Oliver L and Sofia on achieving their Badge 8 and Proficiency Certificate.
We had a brilliant time on our Den Day. We split into teams and worked together to make different dens. There was a lot of excitement and wonderful discussions and language! One team made a castle, another had keys and one group had a ‘window’! We used an impartial judge to pick the best team - they chose the Red Group. Well done, Red Group! We then enjoyed some tasty treats before dismantling the dens. We had lots of super helpers. We hope we have raised a lot of money. Donations can still be given to the school. Thank you to all who have been able to donate.
SPORTS DAY - Weather permitting our sports day will be on Monday 19th June. The children’s PE kits are in school, so we will get the children changed here. Please bring a coloured T-shirt/item of clothing on the day.
We had some exciting additions to our classroom on Friday...Caterpillars! We were amazed, on Monday, when they had already doubled in size!!! Wow! They are growing so fast and we can’t wait to see them change into butterflies. Watch this space…
We have some budding musicians amongst us - just take a look at our ukulele players. Langold Dyscarr Community School has talent!