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Langold Dyscarr Community School

“A Chance to Shine' and 'Dare to Bee Different”

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F2 - Chinese New Year Dancing Dragon

F2 - Chinese New Year Dancing Dragon

Having made our Chinese Dragon last week, we finally put it to the test - as you can see from the pictures of our Dragon Dance our Dragon passed the F2 test with flying colours! We took turns to be the Dragon and do the Dragon Dance - all of us had a turn at playing the musical instruments to accompany the dance. We had so much fun celebrating! We will certainly be ready for next year’s Chinese New Year!

This week we have had a new member of staff join us - Mrs Holmes is a student teacher who will be with us until the end of next half term. So far she has been very impressed with our work and behaviour.

On Tuesday, Eadah and Lucas G shared their Culture Bag with us. The Culture Bags have certainly been encouraging good language and communication skills. Mrs Holmes and Mrs Parker were absolutely bowled over with the quality of language that Lucas was using to describe his passion about dinosaurs. When Mrs Parker suggested he might want to be a naturalist when he grows up his reply was: “Well actually, when I grow up I want to be a palaeontologist!” Wow, Lucas you certainly impressed us all with your knowledge and quality of language!

In maths, we have continued with ‘one more’ and we have introduced number sentences such as, 2+1=3.

In literacy, we have been re-telling traditional stories, making sure that we have included a beginning, middle and end. Our main story this week has been Little Red Riding Hood. Why not ask us to re-tell it at home?

At the creative table we have painted the food we made with the salt dough. They will be on display for the ‘Take One Picture’ exhibition.

In gymnastics, we have been impressing Emma. We have been practising all the moves we have learnt so far. We definitely have some budding gymnasts among us. We are working very hard towards our first badge and certificate. Emma has asked us to practise our front support and back support at home.

