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Langold Dyscarr Community School

“A Chance to Shine' and 'Dare to Bee Different”

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F1 - Yoga

F1 - Yoga

Our friend, Miss Mace, has introduced us to yoga and here is what she has to say about it:

Exercising our body and keeping healthy is very important here in F1, so much so that we have tried a new relaxing form of exercise - yoga!

Yoga is a great way to exercise our mind and body. It promotes physical strength as we get to move our muscles in new and exciting ways; it refines our balancing and coordination skills and develops our focus and concentration.

Along with help from a ‘Cosmic Kids Yoga’ video, we used our bodies to represent all the different stages of the butterfly life cycle, influenced by one of our favourite stories ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’. Jamie, our virtual yoga teacher, told us the story while describing and modelling the yoga positions, as we transformed from a tiny egg on a leaf to a beautiful butterfly. We tried really hard to move, stretch and balance our bodies into different shapes! Lexi-Jay used clear communication to help her friends create the correct poses. While Tommy showed concentration focusing on the instructions in order to succeed. Also Evie A and Joshua did a fantastic mouse pose. However, Rylee appeared to be a yoga expert; he listened carefully to Jamie’s instructions and executed them with such determination!

We worked our way through the story turning our bodies into different animals, including a dog, a horse and a lion who delivered the food to the ever so hungry caterpillar. We particularly loved the camel pose; blowing a raspberry before giving the hungry caterpillar four strawberries! Each time the caterpillar ate we had to pat our head while rubbing our tummy, Poppy and Ava said this was really hard! When the hungry caterpillar got a stomach-ache from eating all that food, we used our feet as a telephone to call a doctor asking for some advice. But we didn’t need the doctor’s help, we already knew what the caterpillar had to do to feel better…. eat a green leaf!

We also discovered a new secret yoga code word, ‘Namaste’. We said this, whilst putting our hands together at our heart, at the start and end of our yoga session as way to thank and show respect to each other, celebrating all that is good and unique about us. Although some yoga positions were a little tricky, we didn’t give up! Mrs Fenton helped us to practise some moves after we had finished the story. I think she secretly enjoyed our yoga adventure more than we did!

Personally, I was really impressed by the amount of self-belief and the sense of achievement illustrated by the children’s beaming smiles when the children had mastered a move. I even found Jordii practising balancing in road runner position while waiting for milk and fruit!

We are all looking forward to lots more exciting ‘Cosmic Kids’ adventures in the future. Who knows what yoga world we will find ourselves in next?

It sounds fabulous doesn’t it? I wonder if they could show you the moves at home!

