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Langold Dyscarr Community School

“A Chance to Shine' and 'Dare to Bee Different”

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F1 - Who’s that trip trapping over my bridge?

F1 - Who’s that trip trapping over my bridge?

This week we have been reading the story of The Three Billy Goats Gruff which is another traditional tale. Miss Frisby took the masks of the Troll and the Three Billy Goats into the woods and we acted it out because there was a little bridge which was perfect for Kayden Troll in the morning, and Avah-Mae Troll in the afternoon, to hide under! The Three Billy Goats walked over the bridge and were stopped by our menacing Troll growling, Who’s that trip trapping over my bridge?’ Each goat told the Troll to wait for their brothers because their brothers were much bigger, but Annalise and Jacob Big Billy Goat weren’t scared and lowered their horns and butted the Troll into the water and that was the end of him! The children were fabulous at retelling the story and used different voices for each character. I think we have a few West End actors in the making!

Mrs Bacon left her mat next to a tree in the Secret Garden and had to go back for it. When she hurried back to meet us she said that she had felt little eyes were watching her in the Secret Garden. One of our friends thought it could be the Troll, but Mrs  Bacon said that she wasn’t scared and it was a nice feeling, so off we went to investigate! We walked very slowly into the woods to see if we could see who or what had been watching Mrs Bacon. On the bridge we saw it, a little stone like creature called a Rocky and he wanted to be friends with one of our children. Lexi-Jay decided that she would be his friend! The other children began searching for more because they all wanted one to take home to be their friend! They were hiding in piles of leaves behind rocks and even in trees! Some had two eyes and Halle’s had one big eye. Jayden’s had eyelashes and was very beautiful, but he decided that he wanted a boy one so Avah-Mae said she would love to look after the girl Rocky and put it carefully in her pocket! Delilah named hers after herself! What a fabulous idea! Maya named hers Rainbow and Emily called hers Mummy! They were all tucked in pockets, hidden in gloved hands and were taken home to cherish. I wonder if you will see any Rockys’ next time you are in the woods!

Well done to our Reading Olympians who received their gold medals. We are so proud of you and everyone who shares books with you at home. Miss Frisby read an article which said, ‘Reading is the most powerful gift we can give a child: it puts stardust in their imaginations, the tingle of possibility in their minds and the knowledge of facts in their brains!’ Our children have  fabulous imaginations because they have shared lots of books; it fuels their story telling and develops their language! You are amazing!

In numeracy we have been comparing numbers by building towers of bricks and sticking them on the number line to see which is bigger. We know that a number that is bigger is further along our number line. Annalise, Sophie and Maiya decided to make up their own game, ‘Give me a number’ Sophie who was dressed as Elsa asked Annalise (also dressed as Elsa) to give her different numbers that she shouted out! Maiya also joined in but without the fancy dress. They worked cooperatively until they had recognised all their numbers to 10, and fingers and Numicon were used to support their learning. Miss Frisby was so impressed! I wonder what new game they will make up next week!

