F1 - What's New...?
F1 - What’s New…?
This week we have been very busy in F1.” What’s new?” I hear you cry! We had a very artistic Tree-mendous Tuesday where we walked into the woods and did some bark rubbing, but first we felt lots of trees to see which one we wanted to get a print from. Poppy felt one and told everyone it was ‘bumpy’ and Avah-Mae felt a ‘smooth’ one. However, before we even got to that part, there were a million other things that we observed and talked about. Lexi-Jay saw a spider in a web, Esmae stood in the mud which she thought was fabulous and Kayden was very interested in the school gardeners who had come on their big lawn mower to mow the school field. They also had a ‘pick-up truck’ which he proudly pointed out to everyone! But what was the burning question? It was, ‘Why is the man wearing headphones?’ (ear defenders). Kayden thought he could be listening to music, but we think that they were to protect his ears from the loud noise. Well, everyone was happy with that and off we went again!
There was also a lot of discussion about rabbits! Jack has a pet rabbit called Sparkles, Sophie has a pink one and Annalise told us the whole story of Peter Rabbit and Mr McGregor. She also sang the song! Talking of singing, Alaina sang Twinkle, Twinkle... to us, Jacob crooned Humpty Dumpty and Avah-Mae sang anything for the whole three hour duration! That is not an exaggeration! Zuzanna found a nut which she put in her pocket and Gracie-Mai collected anything she could find! We also talked about the blackberries on the bushes and Mrs Fenton said she might make us a crumble! It was quite windy and Dylan said, ‘Look at Halle’s hair’ as her bunches flapped in the wind! Joshua threaded a small leaf through a bigger leaf and made an aeroplane. You see! I said we had been busy sharing ideas with our friends, observing our environment and making memories! What a lovely way to spend a Tuesday!
On Wednesday it was our European Day of languages and we decided to go to Italy. We got on the plane (in our imagination!) and arrived in a very warm Italy. We looked at what shape the country was; it looked like a boot! We also examined the Italian flag and named the colours. We learnt how to say ‘hello’ and ‘goodbye’ in Italian and sang a very authentic Ring a ring o’roses.(Giro giro tondo). Then we made a Pizza Margherita with delicious fresh basil and mozzarella. We had lots of amazing chefs and many more food tasters! Rylee, Jack, Freya and Logan came back for thirds! Buonissimo!