F1 - We Love the Rain!
Sports day may have been cancelled for Foundation but Tree-mendous Tuesday certainly wasn't because we love the rain and facing the elements. In fact, I was delighted that Emily, who usually grumbles about the woods beforehand (but never when she is in them!), had a massive smile on her face because I had sent a text about squelching in mud and splashing in puddles. She LOVED it! So did Isabelle, whose Mummy had told me that she was excited about our soggy adventure! The trees sheltered us anyway and we took the parachute to hang in the trees so we could enjoy our biscuit and juice as we listened to the pitter-patter of the rain above us!
The minibeasts also loved the rain as they came out in force to say hello! We found snails and a wiggly worm which we held carefully and said hello to. We are learning about them this half term so it was exciting to meet them face to face!
The afternoon children had much heavier rain to face so going across the field proved a challenge as there were no trees to protect us but don't worry we had a plan and covered them in a sheet of tarpaulin so they looked like a caterpillar moving across the field. However it was a very noisy one as the laughter was very loud as the wind tried to snatch away our cover!
What a great day full of fabulous language describing what they could see and how they were feeling, but the best thing was the noise of lots of laughter competing with the pitter-patter of the rain. Another unforgettable day!
On the last Friday of last half term, we had a Maths Day in school and in Foundation we really did rise to the challenge. Miss Frisby put lots of maths related challenges both inside and outside for all our friends to access. There were lots of maths stars that day. Sophie and Jacob both stood out because they used their maths reasoning skills to work out problems and explain why they had come to that conclusion.
In Foundation, we love numeracy and it is part of our everyday life. Maths is everywhere, in the home and at school and with the support of our amazing parents, children can grasp many mathematical concepts through their play.
Children will begin to:
• know and understand early maths language of measurement, shapes, spaces, positions, early numbers, order and patterns
• know the sequence of numbers
• begin to understand positional words, e.g. in, on, outside
• show an awareness of time
• be aware of shapes in their environment
• be aware of 1-to-1 correspondence when counting.
• acquire new vocabulary
• learn number rhymes and songs, e.g. one, two, buckle my shoe etc.
• be aware of conservation
and this all happens as they are playing and exploring everyday.
What a fabulous way to develop our numeracy skills and concepts!