F1 - Our Shed is Now a Garage!
F1 - Our Shed is Now a Garage!
This half term, our shed is now a garage and on Friday there were lots of mechanics busily fixing all the bikes. Even our new ones, much to Miss Frisby’s horror. How can they need fixing already?!
Freya noticed that a bike was in the way of the others because it had broken down and so she moved it so that her friends could get past on their bikes.
Daisy and Theo were very busy stopping every two minutes to check that their bike didn’t need any more attention to detail. Daisy told Theo that it was all fixed but as she set off, she got stuck in a dip and said to Miss Frisby, ‘Can you pull us’ and so Miss Frisby came to the rescue! Lucie said that her bike had run out of petrol and Jack fixed a bike because ‘it had a hole in it.’ He said it cost £50 to fix- not bad at all!
The children showed so many Characteristics of Learning in their play which is how they engage with other people and their environment. They were playing and exploring, actively learning and creating and thinking critically. All these things underpin their learning and support the children to become effective and motivated learners. It’s fabulous to see this happen every day!
Mrs Fenton was busy this week tidying up our Foundation garden ready for spring. Avah-Mae and Poppy were on hand to help her rake the leaves away. It looks so lovely and ready for some new plants after the holidays. Thanks to Delilah’s mummy for the daffodil bulbs and rhubarb plant, Avah-Mae’s mum for the bulbs and Joshua and Lucie’s grandma for the flower seeds that we sprinkled on the garden.
We are so lucky to have a lovely garden and by planting seeds and plants we develop an understanding of growth, decay and changes over time.