F1 - Our Fairy Friends!
F1 - Our Fairy Friends!
You will never guess what happened this week in nursery. Well I shall tell you! Miss Frisby emailed the Queen of all fairies called Queen Kate and asked her if one of her fairies would like to move in to our Foundation Unit. Queen Kate said one of her fairy friends would love to and she sent us a magic door and a small magic key. Our fairy is called Trixie. The key was so tiny that we could barely see it. Off we went on a mission to find our door and it was outside. ‘It’s here!’ screamed Amie!! We had to leave the keys by the door and also promise to abide by some rules. One of them is not to touch the fairy door because some of the magic is lost if we do. Also do not block the door because Trixie will not be able to get in and out. When the key is gone, we know that she has arrived. From then on Trixie will keep the key with her at all times!
Do you know fairies can eat human food and they like raisins but they can’t eat cheese puffs because it turns them orange?
· Fairies are good at blowing away bad dreams.
· Fairies have a mild strawberry scent so if you walk into a room and smell strawberries, they are probably somewhere close by!
· A fairy’s eye colour will change according to the weather.
· Fairies can speak every language in the world.
· Fairies bring good luck wherever they go.
· Fairies experience their humans’ emotions.
· Tooth fairies have to sit 3 exams.
Fairies love shiny things but they don’t like human money and that’s why they give it away.
And above all if you want a fairy to come and live in your home there are 2 simple rules you need to obey:
You must love your fairy
You must believe in your fairy.
We all agreed to everything and are now waiting for her to arrive.
In the meantime we took to the woods on a very sunny Tree-mendous Tuesday adventure to make some fairy houses in the woods because Queen Kate said lots of fairies are looking for homes. Those fairies will be spoilt for choice because our houses are deluxe with grass roofs, stick walls, bark doors and acorn beds with leaf bedding. Miss Frisby is tempted to reserve one for herself.
So if you go into the woods be careful where you tread and remember if you feel like someone is watching you, they probably are!