F1 - On The Nursery Rhymes Trail At Southwell Minster
F1 - On The Nursery Rhymes Trail At Southwell Minster
Our trip to Southwell Minster to participate in The Nursery Rhymes Trail was so much fun. We had to hunt for a bag of clues and think about what rhyme the clues could be from.
We also found other clues hidden in the Minster like carved mice and fish in the pews, a sheep in the stained glass window and a king and queen carved in the stone work. What rhymes could they be from?
We had a snack and a drink whilst having a story. Then we participated in a craft activity making stained glass windows. They were fantastic! We had lunch together and played some parachute games. The rain had stopped by this point so we explored the Education Garden. We found some lovely autumn leaves.
Then it was home time and there were lots of tired children who fell asleep as soon as the bus departed the Minster. What a lovely day!
This week we have been learning the nursery rhyme about Two Little Dicky Birds called Peter and Paul. We made a wall outside for them to sit on and acted it out. Then we changed the names of the birds to our names!
We have also been busy making repeated patterns outside using different shapes. We had to predict what shape would come next in our pattern. We have some very clever children who could predict the next shape!
In Caterpillar Music we had so much fun in the Magical Land of Nursery Rhymes and Fairy Tales!
Thanks for your Harvest homework challenges so far. They are fabulous and will be displayed in the Unit.