F1 - Olympian Athletes in the Making!
F1 - Olympian Athletes in the Making!
Sports day was a huge success and the children were all amazing! Thanks for your support and encouragement. I think you'll agree that they all tried really hard and deserved their ice pops, stickers and sweets that they received!
Thank you to our volunteers that helped keep all the children entertained, fed and watered and ready for the start line.
There were so many amazing moments and I'm sure we have a few Olympian athletes in the making as soon as bean bag and bucket, and egg and spoon, make it as one of the chosen Olympic sports!
In other news, our caterpillars have cocooned and so we had to carefully take them out of the pot and put them in the net. They will take about 2 weeks before they turn into butterflies and we can release them into our foundation garden. We can’t wait!!
On Tree-mendous Tuesday we visited the allotments and met lots of chickens which were all colours, shapes and sizes and we also met a few horses. Mrs Fenton gave them an apple and one of them showed his gratitude by showing his big teeth to us which we thought was so funny. He kept doing it and the children were mesmerized. It also prompted Delilah to tell us that Mummy had been to the dentist to have some of her teeth out! It’s so funny how they make links with their learning when you least expect it!
We have learnt so much about our local environment this week and we can talk about the natural world. We are asking lots of questions because we understand about growth and changes over time due to our amazing stimulus of the caterpillars which came to live with us. It is so much easier to learn when we are involved in it and this sums up our nursery life as we are absorbed in so many experiences. How lucky are we?!