F1 - Muddy Adventure!
F1 - Muddy Adventure!
Hidden in Merida (our Chatterbox) this week were lots of clues about our new story and none of the children could guess what the story could possibly be! There was a teapot, a little girl called Sophie, a mum and a dad, and a plate of sandwiches that the main character ate. Our children ate all Miss Frisby’s sandwiches too and the plate of buns that were another clue. Finally, there was a tin of Tiger Food and a tiger! The story was The Tiger Who Came to Tea. The children loved listening to the story and could tell Miss Frisby all the things the tiger had eaten.
Tree-mendous Tuesday was yet again a muddy affair but we didn’t care because we were on a mission to feed the birds with the cheerio bird feeders we had made. Although Annabelle had her own mission - picking up lots of stones and mud and putting them all in the pocket of her lovely pink coat!!! She had so much fun exploring and transporting the objects she had found!
Miss Frisby’s phonics group have been learning the ‘ck’ digraph and they have been writing it in different words. It’s been quite exciting, as it is the first digraph we have met, and we do feel very grown up that we are using it in different words!
In Caterpillar Music, we visited China and we were able to tell Ali lots of things that we had already learnt. We did another dragon dance with a Jack Parry dragon head and we even did some Kung Fu! Daisy also broke into a Chinese Fortune Cookie to discover our fortune - the prediction said: “The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet!” How apt!
Mrs Fenton has been busy making a very exciting role play area for next half term to support our topic of ‘animals’. We can’t tell you anything just yet, but it will blow you away when you see it after the holidays!!