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Langold Dyscarr Community School

“A Chance to Shine' and 'Dare to Bee Different”

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F1 - Lifecycles

F1 - Lifecycles

This term we are looking at lifecycles and minibeasts and we have had some new friends delivered to our unit; five tiny caterpillars arrived in a little jar which contained their food and now they are very busy eating it and getting very fat. We were all extremely excited and on our Tree-mendous Tuesday adventure, Jacob, Jayden and Dasiy spotted lots of green leaves with little holes in so we know that there are lots of very hungry caterpillars in the woods too! We are also reading the story or ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ and he munched so much food that he got very fat and then made a house called a cocoon which he stayed in for about two weeks and when he popped out of it, he wasn’t a caterpillar anymore but a beautiful butterfly!

We have acted out the lifecycle of a butterfly, which is called metamorphosis, and we were all little eggs on a leaf and changed our body shapes to be wiggly caterpillars, cocoons and finally butterflies! We are so good at using our imaginations! We will keep you updated on what is happening to our five friends and when they metamorphosise.

It was our sponsored Den Day on Tree-mendous Tuesady to raise money for Save the Children and also for resources for Foundation. We headed into the woods armed with sheets, duvet covers and curtains, kindly donated by our parents, and we worked together to make dens with our teachers. Mrs Fenton, as usual, was super competitive, but we will let her think hers was the best! Poppy was really helpful pegging the sheets together so they hung from the trees. Some of our dens had a roof and walls, one was a tee pee and another was made using a camouflage net so it was difficult to even see it! The children were eager to get inside and have a relaxing drink and biscuit after all the hard construction work they had endured!

Thank you for your donations and anymore would be gratefully received.

Next week, F1 are at the library on Tuesday and we have our sports day on Monday morning. See you there!

