F1 - Life is an Adventure!
F1 - Life is an Adventure!
This week we have been learning about spring but we are experts on the different seasons because we actually explore the changes in the environment and talk about what is different when we are out and about on our Tree-mendous Tuesday.
We looked at what happens in spring and we already knew about blossom, buds and catkins appearing on trees because we had seen them all on our travels. We just need to see a few baby lambs next week and we will be happy!
In numeracy we have been learning about shapes and looking at the different properties of different shapes and asking questions like, ‘Why isn’t a square the same as a rectangle if they both have the same number of sides?’ Ask someone in F1 and see if they can tell you! Miss Frisby hid lots of shapes in a box and they peeked out of the top and the children had to say what shape they thought it was and why. Miss Frisby tried to trick the children but they were super at guessing the correct shape. We had a fabulous time at the library, but walking there and back was an adventure in itself- well it is F1 and life is an adventure! Olivia saw an aeroplane in the sky and told us that she is going on holiday, Lacey talked about her Cinderella dolly and lots of children proudly pointed out where they lived. George said, ‘I live in Langold.’ We saw lots of building work and a pile of sticks that obviously belonged to one of The Three Little Pigs said Memphis, but that Big Bad Wolf had been up to his tricks again. Miss Frisby was a little bit worried because we had encouraged a couple of our children’s grandmas to come along and you know that the Big Bad Wolf has a thing for grandmas! Well, he did in the story of Little Red Riding Hood. But Olivia and Eden’s grandmas didn’t seem to be worried.
At the library, Sonya the librarian was so happy to see us and she had chosen a lovely book for the morning children called Blue and Bertie. Ask the children to tell you about it. The afternoon children were read a book called Bears Don’t Read. It is a story that encourages children (and bears!) towards a lifelong love of reading. Then we all chose new books to take home. Myles chose Kipper’s Birthday and Hayden came up to the counter and said, ‘I’ve got a lovely book!’ It was The Little Red Hen, and you’re right Hayden.
We were in fine voice and sang lots of nursery rhymes and were particularly good at the actions. Then it was a slow walk back to the Foundation Unit but Miss Frisby accelerated the pace with the promise of hot chocolate and marshmallows! What another busy week full of amazing imaginative language. Thanks to all our helpers! We appreciate all you do!