F1 - Busy, Busy, Busy... Fun, Fun, Fun…!
In F1 this week, we have been concentrating on number recognition and formation. We have used our finger as a magic pencil and we have formed numbers on the white board and in coloured sand. We talked to our pencil as we did it. We are getting really good now.
In literacy, we have been talking about the items we have put in our 'All about Me bags.' Amelia loves carrots and raisins - but not at the same time! And we found out that Oliver loves motorbikes! Miss Frisby has loved the fabulous language we have been using to talk about why we like certain things.
We have done lots of reading in the reading corner and Miss Frisby was really proud of how we handled the books and turned the pages. Some of our friends used their imagination to retell the story. Jake told a fabulous story about 'a dragon who lived in a kingdom!' His friends were spell-bound by his story-telling skills and he even tracked the words with his finger! Wow!
We have been practising our scissor control and Miss Frisby has been modelling how to hold scissors correctly. Please practise at home with some child safety scissors.
Olivia brought in her favourite story about Peppa Pig. It was called 'Prince George'. After reading it, we were inspired to become Princes and Princesses and obviously we had to make crowns!!We looked so regal!
We had lots of fun in our attention and listening session. We used the ribbons and moved them up and down and side to side. We even made circles with them! When Miss Frisby shouted 'stop!' we had to put the ribbons by our side. We had such good listening ears! Phew! What a week we have had. F1 is so much fun!