F1 - Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo...
This week, we had a truly Tree-mendous Tuesday in the woods because Miss Frisby and Mrs Fenton had an extra surprise in store! But before we even left the school grounds, we ran up the little hill near the trees in the big play ground and kicked the leaves. Then we collected huge handfuls and on the count of three we all threw them in the air! Oh what fun it was!
We walked along the ‘yellow brick road’ but it wasn’t yellow anymore as Avah-Mae pointed out as it was covered in leaves! There were green ones as well as yellow, red and orange ones too; they were even falling on our heads as we walked along! Annalise pointed out that they were falling on Sophie’s head! Esmae and Freya picked up twigs with leaves attached and counted how many they had on each and then Esmae pulled them off and said that there was zero!
We walked out of the wood near the Lake and Jack told me that there was a park near here. Sophie saw the skate board park and said that her brothers went there! There was a really steep hill and Mrs Fenton and Miss Frisby showed our friends how to walk down it carefully but when we got to the bottom we let our little legs run really fast and we had huge smiles on our faces when we reached the bottom!
We went to Andy’s Café and we were treated to some delicious hot buttered toast by Yvonne, the owner. How lovely and kind! It was delicious and we then had to sing happy birthday to Miss Frisby and Mrs Bacon who have both celebrated birthdays this week.
In phonics, we have been following the Halloween theme by making a special broth of different letters. We had to wear our witch’s hat and say the magic spell:
Let’s make some alphabet stew
Choose a letter from the pot and make the sound you’ve got
Miss Frisby was very impressed with how confident we were at recognising all our sounds. Look at our blogs and comment on all the learning that has been happening in F1.