European Day of Languages 2014
European Day of Languages 2014
Our children were able to tour, not only Europe, but other parts of the World and sample a variety of languages and cultures, including British Sign Language and the mediums of dance and music. The activities relied on the use of many skills - language learning (listening, speaking, reading and comparing), problem solving, physical dexterity, team work, communication skills, artistic creativity, food sampling and evaluation, ICT skills and broadening cultural awareness. WOW - we certainly packed a lot into the day! Thanks too, to Lisa, our cook, who served up a delicious cosmopolitan menu.
The children were split into mixed age groups - they were able to sample at least 6 different activities. Their behaviour was fantastic and we are so proud of all that they achieved on the day. Well done to everyone and thank you to all the staff who helped make the day so special and enjoyable. We will be displaying some of the children’s work - please come and have a look !
Don’t forget to complete your European Day of Languages Passport and enter it for the prize competition.