Busy Learning and Having Fun in Foundation!
Busy Learning and Having Fun in Foundation!
Our foundation children have had another very busy week learning lots of new skills and having fun at the same time. All the children have been learning the Cinderella story and F2 have been using story maps to retell it; some of our children were even clever enough to draw their own! In numeracy, F1 have been focusing on number recognition and in F2 we have been practising number formation, counting up to 100 and ordering numbers in a number line. Mrs P and her baking club filled the FSU corridor with beautiful, tantalising smells from their Chocolate and Raisins Whirls. Delicious! All the children have also been working very hard to learn all their lines and the songs ready to entertain you next week with their Christmas Nativity. We know you are going to love it! Tickets are now available from the office.