Busy, Busy, Busy in FSU!
Busy, Busy, Busy in FSU!
The children in FUS have had a very busy and exciting time this week; we have squeezed in so much learning and fun !
On Tuesday afternoon, in the beautiful spring sunshine, F1 and F2 walked to the library where we changed our books and then listened to a lovely story. We love stories and books - they transported into another world!
On Wednesday afternoon we donned our wellies and set off on an Easter Egg Hunt. We had to keep our eyes peeled to spot all the Easter Eggs that the Easter Bunny had left for us to find. Some of us not only spotted the eggs, but thought we spotted a BEAR, too!
In literacy this week we have been reading We’re going on a Bear Hunt. F2 have loved watching Michael Rosen reading his poem, We’re going on a Bear Hunt. We listened to the magic and rhythm of the words - before long we could recite all of the poem and add actions, too ! When we went on our Easter Egg Hunt we chanted the poem and even made up some verses of our own! We have been writing some lovely sentences about the story and doing lots of work based on the poem. We worked in groups to make a 3D story map and used the tough spot scene to help us retell and act out the poem. Books and stories inspire us!