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Langold Dyscarr Community School

“A Chance to Shine' and 'Dare to Bee Different”

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Anglo Saxon, Anglo Saxon, Anglo Saxon...Did You Know?

Anglo Saxon, Anglo Saxon, Anglo Saxon… Did You Know?

Striding into assembly in time to an Anglo Saxon chant - brilliantly led by Kaci -  Year 5A WOWED us with their assembly! They gave us lots of  interesting facts about the Anglo Saxons; dressed in  Anglo Saxon costumes; shared some of their amazing descriptive work from their literacy lessons and acted out parts of Beowulf.                                                                

Y5A also showed off their very musical skills with their ocarina renditions - they have obviously been practising very hard in their music lessons!                                                              

In Science this term, they have been looking at reversible and irreversible change - we had 2 very talented scientists demonstrate some effects of irreversible change - the audience were spell bound.                                                                                                                                                  

If you didn’t know your square numbers and square roots Year 5A’s rhyme will certainly be a big help!                                                                                                                                                                       Our information-packed assembly “reflected the rich and exciting curriculum our children follow in school”. Well done Year 5A!

