Airborne Challenge 2014 - Rafal Szuba(Year5) Reports
Airborne Challenge 2014 - Report by Rafal Szuba Year 5
When I woke up I felt really excited as I remembered that it was Airborne Challenge auditions. I jumped out of my bed and(with a bit of a rush) ate my breakfast as fast as I could. I brushed my teeth and got dressed into my school uniform, even though it was Non-uniform Day. I walked to school calmly, even though I was filled with joy!
When I arrived at school I went straight to my class (just in case I was late) and sat in my chair to get registered. When it was time Jamie and me joined the other 10 people and Mrs Leeman and Mrs Silk. We all went to the office and I saw the mini buses (one silver and one black), and we went towards them with everyone behind me – it happened because I had a box with dart planes in so I was first in line. It was an eight-seated vehicle. Finally, we were off to St Anne’s Church Hall.
When we arrived I was surprised because I thought it would have been larger. We went in with laughter as the driver said he was not going to drive us home unless we had at least one trophy. My breath was taken away when I saw how many people were taking part. We were split into Group A and Group B. We started to wind up our best planes, even though we were 4th to go. Mr Horwood, our ‘challenge’ teacher, explained the rules and then the competition started. St. Anne’s was first to go (because they won last year).
The time went quite fast until it was our Team A’s turn. They threw their aeroplane and set their car off 5 times in 7 minutes. After every school’s team A had gone it was lunch time which gave us a long time for the Team Bs to get ready. Mrs Leeman took us out for some fresh air and gave us courage by making a hand-pile, running and a team hug. We went inside and I wasn’t so nervous, now. But when Mrs Leeman announced we needed to go again to have a picture taken, I started to get nervous. We waited and waited until it was Gateford Park’s turn (who were before us) and we walked up organised…
Carter was the Dart Plane thrower, Robert (my brother) and Mason the car nudgers, Holly the car letter and I was the car stopper. Our cars didn’t go really well, but we had a try! On the other hand, our car was fast and didn’t need any nudgers! When we finished I was proud of our school and I thought we might win. After every school had its turn we sat down.
We soon realised that our car was actually good as we received a trophy for ‘Fastest Car – Runners Up’. Our other trophy was for ‘Best Album – Runners Up’. The overall Runners Up was St Anne’s and the winning school was Sir Edmund Hilary. We went back to the mini-bus still happy as we had won 2 trophies and rode back to Langold Dyscarr Community School.
Airborne Challenge 2014 - Report by Rafal Szuba Year 5
When I woke up I felt really excited as I remembered that it was Airborne Challenge auditions. I jumped out of my bed and(with a bit of a rush) ate my breakfast as fast as I could. I brushed my teeth and got dressed into my school uniform, even though it was Non-uniform Day. I walked to school calmly, even though I was filled with joy!
When I arrived at school I went straight to my class (just in case I was late) and sat in my chair to get registered. When it was time Jamie and me joined the other 10 people and Mrs Leeman and Mrs Silk. We all went to the office and I saw the mini buses (one silver and one black), and we went towards them with everyone behind me – it happened because I had a box with dart planes in so I was first in line. It was an eight-seated vehicle. Finally, we were off to St Anne’s Church Hall.
When we arrived I was surprised because I thought it would have been larger. We went in with laughter as the driver said he was not going to drive us home unless we had at least one trophy. My breath was taken away when I saw how many people were taking part. We were split into Group A and Group B. We started to wind up our best planes, even though we were 4th to go. Mr Horwood, our ‘challenge’ teacher, explained the rules and then the competition started. St. Anne’s was first to go (because they won last year).
The time went quite fast until it was our Team A’s turn. They threw their aeroplane and set their car off 5 times in 7 minutes. After every school’s team A had gone it was lunch time which gave us a long time for the Team Bs to get ready. Mrs Leeman took us out for some fresh air and gave us courage by making a hand-pile, running and a team hug. We went inside and I wasn’t so nervous, now. But when Mrs Leeman announced we needed to go again to have a picture taken, I started to get nervous. We waited and waited until it was Gateford Park’s turn (who were before us) and we walked up organised…
Carter was the Dart Plane thrower, Robert (my brother) and Mason the car nudgers, Holly the car letter and I was the car stopper. Our cars didn’t go really well, but we had a try! On the other hand, our car was fast and didn’t need any nudgers! When we finished I was proud of our school and I thought we might win. After every school had its turn we sat down.
We soon realised that our car was actually good as we received a trophy for ‘Fastest Car – Runners Up’. Our other trophy was for ‘Best Album – Runners Up’. The overall Runners Up was St Anne’s and the winning school was Sir Edmund Hilary. We went back to the mini-bus still happy as we had won 2 trophies and rode back to Langold Dyscarr Community School.