Watch out, watch out, there’s an Ambassador about!
Our Ambassadors have been doing a fantastic job recently of looking out for the children throughout school who have been displaying our Golden Values. When they have spotted some outstanding behaviour, they write it on a Post-It note and stick it up on the Ambassadors’ board in the small hall. It is one of the highlights of my day as I walk around school to stop and read the notes to see who has been spotted being brilliantly behaved and why. It is so heartening to see examples of children helping those who have fallen over to get back on their feet, playing with those who haven’t got anyone to play with or even simply opening doors for others, children and adults alike. If you look really closely, you’ll even notice that some staff are getting in on the act too! What could you do to get yourself on the board? Go on, let’s see how many different reasons we can get! I’m looking forward to when someone comes to me saying, “We’re going to need a bigger board!” (with apologies to Steven Spielberg!). Mr Pullin