F2 - Porridge and Pancakes - Mmm…
F2 - Porridge and Pancakes - Mmm…
With Goldilocks and the Three Bears as our story this week, we had to make porridge. We made three big batches. The Giraffes’` batch was a bit thick and sticky, the Zebras' batch was very runny but our third batch was just right and we all got to sample it - yummy! It was so delicious we learnt how to write instructions on How to Make Porridge. Why don’t you ask us for the instructions and try it at home and see if you can get it just right, too!
Porridge was not the only food we have been tasting! On Shrove Tuesday we loved trying the delicious pancakes. We also learnt about Lent - Miss Hopkinson is giving up chocolate for Lent and Oliver L says he is giving up crisps - good luck with your Lent challenge!
In number time we have continued our work on sharing - 1 for you and 1 for me! We are getting very good at being able to share. Why not ask us to share things out at home? Let us know how you get on. We had a very exciting time in Caterpillar Music when we brought book characters to life! “All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players;…”
We put our imaginations to the test and acted out lots of different scenes using props and instruments, and music to inspire us!
We’re Going On a Treasure Hunt...We’re Not Scared…
Our Wednesday Walkabout turned into a fabulous treasure hunt - even the rain could not stop us from having a fun learning time!
We marched into the wood singing Rain, rain go away as we searched for treasure - and what precious treasure we found - signs of new life wherever we looked! We tackled every obstacle valiantly, whether it was logs blocking our path, water or mud - we showed true LDCS resilience!
On Wednesday, Oliver B asked if we could play netball. We watched Year 5 in their PE lesson and decided we would have a go. We started by passing a ball around a circle of friends and then we sneaked onto the MUGA when it was empty. We had a go at shooting into the net. Miss Hopkinson was amazed at how high we could throw. There is no end to our talents…!