F2 - Investigators and Detectives!
F2 - Investigators and Detectives!
F2 put their detective skills to the test this week when they found a bag full of tools in their classroom. What could they be used for? Who might own them? The tools turned out to be gardening tools and gave us a clue to the story we have been reading this week, Jasper’s Beanstalk. We have been reading this book and it has inspired us to use some amazing adjectives in our literacy work. We have sequenced the story; labelled pictures from the book and acted out it out, using lots of super language. We love Jasper’s Beanstalk! Come and look at some of our work on our fantastic display outside FSU!
We are practising our gardening skills, too. Just like Jasper, we have planted our own beans and they are now ready to plant outside because they have grown so big. We hope to be able to watch them grow outside and eat the harvest later in the year! Perhaps Mrs P can find a recipe to use the beans in Baking Club! Mrs P and the Baking Club made delicious rhubarb crumble on Thursday—we hope to make many more now that we have our own rhubarb plant in the FSU garden. We have also been keeping a close eye on our caterpillars who have now all turned into cocoons. Will the emerging butterflies look like our butterfly symmetry paintings? We can’t wait to find out. We have even painted a collaborative caterpillar using just our finger prints! We love working as a team.
In numeracy, we have been using real money (Miss Frisby’s holiday fund) to practise counting, adding, ordering and buying. Harry is very adept at counting and adding the different coins! We now have to make sure that we count all the coins back into the money bags so that Miss Frisby can go on holiday.
In gymnastics we all completed a circuit of 4 different skills, Emma was very proud of our progress—we are becoming confident, agile gymnasts.
In science, we have been discovering the magic of yeast! We made some hedgehog bread—it was delicious! We were fascinated by the way our dough felt, rose and grew. There is sooooo much magic in the world for us to discover.