F1 - The Call of the Wild - Den Building!
F1 - The Call of the Wild - Den Building!
What a fabulous den building day we had! It might have been very muddy and the rain may have fallen out of the sky a couple of times but it didn't dampen our spirits; I don't think anything could do that on our Tree-mendous Tuesday adventures! Mrs Fenton, Miss Frisby, Mrs Bacon and Mrs P all had big rucksacks filled with supplies and resources to help build our tents and feed us up when our demanding job was done. But first, before we could even pick up a stick and blanket to make our den, we had to walk through hundreds of very muddy puddles which we absolutely loved! In fact Daisy went back through the same puddle about ten times! Then we had to pick up and investigate millions of mini beasts that had come out to support us on our strenuous den building job. Of course Charlie M was in the bushes hunting the mini beasts and so was Destiny, but we didn't have to look too far because lots of worms were wiggling around our feet. Sofia picked one up and had a good look and Jacob and George were equally fascinated by a big black slug that had decided to sit on our tarpaulin.
After all this exploring we were ready to build our dens. Mrs P, Mrs Fenton and Mrs Bacon thought they were Bear Grylls as they got stuck in, with the help of the children, they used the string to support the tents and Lexi-Jay was pegging away. She must have put about five in one space but it's all good support for our fine motor skills.
Mrs Fenton was showing off making a tepee for her friends, but Charlie B couldn't wait and stood under the frame before the blanket was even on! Mrs P's den was massive and was supported by two trees and ran along the whole width of the path. Everyone helped and when it was secure they put the tarpaulin underneath to sit on. Mrs Bacon's was a 'snug' design and the children helped her tie string to the trees and then peg the blanket up. They all looked very snug like bugs on a rug! Of course Miss Frisby was the foreman making sure everyone was working hard.
Then it was time for refreshments of biscuits, crisps and a drink of juice which went down a treat! We talked about why we were making the dens and raising money for Save the Children and where some of the money would be spent - helping children who aren't as lucky as us. Thank you for all your donations of yummy food and resources for our tent building. It was a huge success and another day filled making Langolden memories to treasure forever!