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Langold Dyscarr Community School

“A Chance to Shine' and 'Dare to Bee Different”

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Another Fun and Busy Week in FSU

Another Busy and Fun Week in Foundation

This week, in numeracy, we are looking at recognising and ordering numbers.
Miss Frisby had lots of washing to hang out and she wanted all  Foundation 2 to help her, so she gave them all an item of clothing to hang out to dry. They all had numbers on so we had to work out which one came first and work along our washing number line until all the clothes were hung out in the right order.
Then she asked them to point to a number on the line and tell her the number that would be ‘one more than’. They were all super stars and could even tell her the number that would be ‘2 more than’! Fabulous work Foundation!
Foundation have been out in the woods this week and they have been making clay heads to fit in with their story of

Little Red Riding Hood. They all had a ball of clay and had to put it on a stick and look for natural items in the wood to stick on it to make it look wolf-like. We used acorns and stones for eyes, leaves for ears and moss for teeth.'Grandma what big ears you have' - indeed! 
We enjoyed looking at the photos of our grandparents and talking about all the fantastic times we have with them and sharing the stories our mums and dads have told us about them.

