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Langold Dyscarr Community School

“A Chance to Shine' and 'Dare to Bee Different”

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Computing at Langold Dyscarr


Intent (What is your curriculum?)


Computing is an essential life skill as many of the careers our pupils will have in the future will involve use of some sort of technology and it is essential we give them the knowledge and skills needed to utilise this technology effectively. Use of technology can make everyday tasks much easier as well as more impactful or even enhanced. Some children will find that use of technology allows them to overcome difficulties that may be holding them back in their learning. Use of technology across the school must be ambitious and up-to-date with the outside world.

All pupils including those with special education needs leave our school with the capabilities needed to use technology with ease and efficiency and most importantly, safely.

The basic skills they will develop are:

- Keyboard skills

- Basics of technology – names of specific parts, use of computer/IPad/Chromebooks/cameras etc.

- Basic program use such as Word, PowerPoint, Excel and the Internet.

- Use of web based software such as Purple Mash, specific apps on the IPad and Safari/Google Chrome.

- Coding – how to use this to develop their own software, games etc.


Implementation (How is the curriculum taught? How is confidence in Computing developed?)


Our Coding curriculum is based on coverage of the National curriculum objectives using the web-based scheme on Purple Mash. All staff use the computing units from this to build their Computing overview based on the three main strands of Computer Science, Digital Literacy and Information Technology.

All staff have developed good subject knowledge therefore use of technology in ALL year groups is embedded in cross-curricular multimodal planning as well as teaching of discreet skills. All year groups teach at least one unit of Coding from Purple Mash per year and therefore progression of these coding skills can be seen over the whole school from EYFS up to Y6.  Wherever possible, staff aim for ambitious use of specific programs on the computers and apps on the IPads forming a cross-curricular approach to use of technology. All staff model safe and efficient use of technology for teaching and modelling and also show how to problem solve, debug, model good e-safety and show how to develop good IT technical skills. The computing lead aims to keep the whole school up to date with technology by regular checking all technology in school, sharing good subject knowledge, problem solving and keeping up to date with research. Computing is assessed through OTrack and children are said to be WTS, ARE or GDS based on their abilities to complete the activities involving IT given on Purple Mash and across other subjects.


Impact  (How can you ensure progress? How will progress be monitored?)


Across school, the concise and progressive teaching of Computing will provide improvement of skills in all three areas of IT, for all groups including those with special education needs. The curriculum is based on providing proficient use of technology but also opportunity for independence in preparation for expectations in future careers. Outcomes from pupils show a developed skills base in terms of use of technology and some pupils will exceed expectations being able to ambitiously choose their own use of computing skills. Our curriculum is enhance by computing and use of technology allows pupils to excel further than would before. The use of computing skills across all subjects is evident and pupils are able to apply skills learned in computing lessons to other contexts.

